Our paths crossed

Paths that don't seem to take you anywhere, filled with as much sense as with destiny. Musical passion mixed with a profound feeling for the water. Art in its pure state. Everything flows like voices at 45 rpm.

Sea griddler stops being a personal project to become the project of anyone willing to take part. For the moment our small vessel carries four souls. We hope to be more in the future.

Hunt & Marguerite. Welcome. One beer?

+ info:EWAN
mooooore info: Jorge Hunt Photo.


Javier Omar (dandee) said...

Amazed by the power of this rad pics. I´ll paste your blog into my blogrolls. It was a shame. Can´t be possible to share this EWAN Day with all of you. The next time. Stay Up.

The Griddler. said...

Of course you can do. I need learn.

Now I have a EWAN day. Thk's, cool words

Jorge Hunt said...

hey! One of the photos was taken by Juan (Ewan). ;-) The one where Margarita and myself have our backs to the camera (in San Juan, Salinas)

The Griddler. said...

cool pic Juan...
Thk's for sharing. We are expected for your next job Mr Hunt.
Mamiya's power...

Unknown said...

Love all those pictures ... there is no question I will follow this blog, I have so much to learn ... viewing! Thanks for gathering so much art ... AMAZING! Smuak

The Griddler. said...

Thk's Mela...